
group picture

Group photo of the CAM–2017 participants; unfortunately not everyone is in the picture (Thursday, September 14, 2017; A. Wagner).

This is the homepage of the Conference on Accessory Minerals (CAM–2017), which was held in September, 2017, in Vienna and Bratislava.

This conference aims were bringing together researchers and students who are active in the investigation of accessory mineral species, especially those that contain high field strength elements (HFSE). These minerals are typically characterised by complex internal textures and chemical compositions, especially after having experienced alteration at low temperatures. Accessory minerals hence may provide valuable information on both primary formation and post-growth history of their host rocks.

Since the appearance of the pioneering review paper "The current state and future of accessory mineral research" by F. Poitrasson and co-authors (Chemical Geology 2002, vol. 191), enormous progress has been made in the study of accessory minerals, which is especially due to the invent of new analytical techniques. This progress became evident again during the "Workshop on Accessory Minerals" that was held at the University of Warsaw, Poland, in September, 2014, organised by Ray Macdonald and Bogusław Bagiński.
After two days of fruitful discussions and nineteen oral presentations by researsers from countries worldwide, it was agreed to repeat the gathering of accessory-mineral researchers, however in the form of a genuine conference.

Thanks to all participants for the interesting meeting.


CAM-2017 photo gallery
Photo by C. Lenz


Conference folder Conference folder
Conference poster Conference poster (A3)
Group picture Group picture (1600x1112 px.)
Conference poster CAM-2017 abstracts