
The technical sessions of the CAM–2017 will be held in Vienna, Austria. (Wednesday, Sept 13, to Friday, Sept 15).
There will be oral (15 min talk plus 5 min discussion) and
poster presentations (A0 size, portrait format).

On the following weekend (Sept 16-17), there will be a two-day field trip led by experts in the field of accessory minerals, to locations in southern Slovakia and Moravia and a museum visit.

Preliminary detailed schedule:

September 13, 2017
Universitätszentrum, Althanstr. 14, 1090 Wien
12:00–13:30 Registration, coffee
13:30–13:45 Opening
13:45–15:25 Oral presentations
13:45   Martin, R.F. The clusters of accessory minerals in Grenville marble crystallized from globules of melt
14:05   Aßbichler, D. Carbothermal mobilisation of HFSE minerals
14:25   Schneider, P. Zircon grains in A‐type granite and their inclusions as recorder of upper mantle conditions in the Croatian segment of the Late Cretaceous collisional zone between Europe and Adria
14:45   Kusiak, M.A. Nanostructure of 4.2 Ga zircon from the Acasta Gneiss
15:05   Petrík, I. Monazite evolution in diamond‐bearing gneisses
Natural History Museum, Maria-Theresien-Platz, 1010 Wien
17:00–18:30 Ice breaker (in the historic halls of the mineral collection)  


Public lecture
Gregory R. Lumpkin
(Institute of Materials Engineering, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Lucas Heights, NSW, Australia):
"The nuclear fuel cycle: Role of accessory minerals in problem solving"

Gregory Lumpkin
September 14, 2017
Universitätszentrum, Althanstr. 14, 1090 Wien
09:15-10:35 Oral presentations
09:15   Andersen, T. Accessory Ba minerals as indicators of crystallization conditions in alkaline igneous rocks
09:35   Zamyatin, D.A. Alteration and electron probe micro‐analyser dating of high‐U zircon from a pegmatite from the Aduiskii Massif, Middle Urals
09:55   Ondrejka, M. Formation of alunite supergroup minerals and rhabdophane during supergene alteration in a highly acidic environment, the Velence Mts., Hungary
10:15   Broska, I. Accessory mineral assemblage and their dependence on the melt character in the S‐type granites: an example from the Western Carpathians
10:35-11:10 Coffee break
11:10-12:10 Oral presentations
11:10   Widmann, P. Effects of chemical abrasion on zircon crystal structure, chemistry and ID‐CA‐TIMS U‐Pb ages
11:30   Sami, M. Origin of spessartine‐rich garnet in highly fractionated A‐type granites of the north Arabian‐Nubian Shield (Egypt): in situ EMPA and LA‐ICP‐MS evidences
11:50   Davies, J.H.F.L. Investigating Pb loss in baddeleyite
12:10-14:10 Lunch break
14:10-14:45 Plenary talk:
Ray Macdonald (Institute of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Petrology, University of Warsaw, Poland):
"The chevkinite group and its extraordinary range of compositions and occurrences"
Raymond Macdonald
14:45-16:05   Oral presentations
14:45   Li, X.-C. Chemical and isotopic changes during metasomatic alteration of apatite
15:05   Belkin, H.E. Peralkaline and metaluminous granitoids and volcanics of the Neoproterozoic rift‐related Robertson River igneous suite, Northern Virginia, USA: Nb‐Ta oxides and their alteration
15:25   Szymanowski, D. Accuracy of Ti‐in‐zircon thermometry improved by isotope dilution determinations of Ti in zircon reference materials
15:45   Catlos, E.J. Insight from high common Pb monazite: Llallagua Tin Ore Deposit (Bolivia) and Amelia Pegmatite (Virginia, USA)
16:05-ca.17:30 Poster viewing and drinks
Heuriger, 1190 Wien-Nussdorf
18:15 till late Conference dinner
September 15, 2017
Universitätszentrum, Althanstr. 14 1090, Wien
09:30-10:05      Plenary talk:
Urs Schaltegger (Earth and Environmental Sciences, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Geneva, Switzerland):
"High-precision U-Pb dating of actinide-rich accessory minerals - Using high-precision petrochronology to unravel the timing of complex magmatic and metamorphic processes"
Urs Schaltegger
10:05-10:45 Oral presentations
10:05   Klötzli, U. The geochronological pitfalls of the petrochronology of accessory minerals ‐ instrumental elemental fractionation effects and age accuracies
10:25   Machevariani, M. High‐Hf zircon from the Snezhnoe deposit (Altai‐Sayan province)
10:45-11:10 Coffee break
11:10-12:10 Oral presentations
11:10   Skublov, S. High‐Y zircon from the Yastrebetskoye Zr‐REE deposit (the Ukranian Shield)
11:30   Váczi, T. Electron‐beam annealing in radiation‐damaged zircon
11:50   Nasdala, L. A promising tool for the investigation of alpha‐particle damage in accessory minerals: 4He irradiation using a fabricated, Si‐based energy filter
12:10-14:15 Lunch break
14:15-15:55 Oral presentations
14:15   Kumar, S. Zircon U‐Pb‐Lu‐Hf isotopes of granitoids and enclaves from Ladakh Batholith, Trans‐Himalaya, India: Implication on timing and source of magmatism and India‐Asia collision
14:35   Bačík, P. Chemical composition and evolution of tourmalinesupergroup minerals from the hydrothermal veins in Gemeric Superunit, Western Carpathians, Slovakia
14:55   Uher, P. Evolution of borate minerals from contact metamorphic to hydrothermal stages: Ludwigite‐group minerals and szaibélyite from the Vysoká – Zlatno skarn, Slovakia
15:15   Lenz, C. On the way to a quantification of radiation damage in accessory minerals using REE3+ photoluminescence spectroscopy
15:35   Pystina, Yu.I. Zircons of polymetamorphic complexes of the Urals
15:55-16:05 Closure
Poster presentations:
Bayanova, T.B. Significance of baddeleyite for plume processes from AR to PZ time in Arctic region (N‐E part of the Fennoscandinavian Shield)
Bustamante, D. Geochemistry of the Chaltén Plutonic Complex (Patagonia) mafic rocks and the influence of accessory minerals on trace element signature of arc magmas
Carbonin, S. Chevkinite‐(Ce) from São Miguel, Azores Islands: monitoring the crystal structure from primary crystallization to latestage hydrothermal events
Chanmuang, C. Dry annealing of radiation damaged zircon: Which “degree of reconstitution” is probed by which analytical technique?
Cibula, P. Special case of cation ordering in octahedral sites in natural epidote‐supergroup minerals
Denisova, Yu.V. ZrO2/HfO2 in zircon from the Kozhim massif (Subpolar Urals)
Drogobuzhskaya, S.V. Geochemical (LA‐ICP‐MS) investigations of baddeleyite from the Palaeoproterozoic mafic and Palaeozoic alkaline intrusions in the Arctic part of the Baltic shield
Gajdošová, M. In situ chemical dating of new accessory minerals from the Evate deposit in Mozambique
Kis, A. U‐Pb geochronology related to different structural states of zircon crystals
Kusiak, M.A. Seismically‐deformed zircon: crystalline Pb nano‐spheres and other enigmas
Kudryashov, N.M. High‐Hf zircon from rare‐metal pegmatites from the Vasin‐Mylk deposit (Kola region, Russia)
Li, J.-W. Hydrothermal titanite from the Chengchao iron skarn deposit: Temporal constraints on iron mineralization, and its potential as a reference material for titanite U–Pb dating
Losos, Z. Tourmaline, an indicator of external Mg‐contamination of granitic pegmatites from host serpentinite; examples from the Moldanubian Zone, Czech Republic
Maraszewska, M. Kiruna‐type apatite‐iron ore in Svalbard: the evidence from main and accessory minerals
Mounteney, I. Provenance defining signatures from detrital heavy minerals and their relationships to their source rocks: using optical mineralogy and bulk‐heavy mineral concentrate geochemistry
Pérez‐Soba, C. Titanite as a tracking accessory mineral of Na‐Li‐Fe‐rich metasomatism (La Pedriza granite massif, Iberian Variscan belt)
Zozulya, D. Genetic relationship between batievaite‐(Y) and hainite‐(Y) from Sakharjok nepheline syenite pegmatite, Keivy alkaline province, NW Russia