September 13, 2017 |
Universitätszentrum, Althanstr. 14, 1090 Wien |
12:00–13:30 |
Registration, coffee |
13:30–13:45 |
Opening |
13:45–15:25 |
Oral presentations
13:45 |
Martin, R.F. |
The clusters of accessory minerals in Grenville marble crystallized from globules of melt |
14:05 |
Aßbichler, D. |
Carbothermal mobilisation of HFSE minerals |
14:25 |
Schneider, P. |
Zircon grains in A‐type granite and their inclusions as recorder of upper mantle conditions in the Croatian segment of the Late Cretaceous collisional zone between Europe and Adria |
14:45 |
Kusiak, M.A. |
Nanostructure of 4.2 Ga zircon from the Acasta Gneiss |
15:05 |
Petrík, I. |
Monazite evolution in diamond‐bearing gneisses |
Natural History Museum, Maria-Theresien-Platz, 1010 Wien |
17:00–18:30 |
Ice breaker (in the historic halls of the mineral collection) |
18:30–19:30 |
Public lecture
Gregory R. Lumpkin (Institute of Materials Engineering, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation, Lucas Heights, NSW, Australia):
"The nuclear fuel cycle: Role of accessory minerals in problem solving" |
September 14, 2017 |
Universitätszentrum, Althanstr. 14, 1090 Wien |
09:15-10:35 |
Oral presentations
09:15 |
Andersen, T. |
Accessory Ba minerals as indicators of crystallization conditions in alkaline igneous rocks |
09:35 |
Zamyatin, D.A. |
Alteration and electron probe micro‐analyser dating of high‐U zircon from a pegmatite from the Aduiskii Massif, Middle Urals |
09:55 |
Ondrejka, M. |
Formation of alunite supergroup minerals and rhabdophane during supergene alteration in a highly acidic environment, the Velence Mts., Hungary |
10:15 |
Broska, I. |
Accessory mineral assemblage and their dependence on the melt character in the S‐type granites: an example from the Western Carpathians |
10:35-11:10 |
Coffee break |
11:10-12:10 |
Oral presentations
11:10 |
Widmann, P. |
Effects of chemical abrasion on zircon crystal structure, chemistry and ID‐CA‐TIMS U‐Pb ages |
11:30 |
Sami, M. |
Origin of spessartine‐rich garnet in highly fractionated A‐type granites of the north Arabian‐Nubian Shield (Egypt): in situ EMPA and LA‐ICP‐MS evidences |
11:50 |
Davies, J.H.F.L. |
Investigating Pb loss in baddeleyite |
12:10-14:10 |
Lunch break |
14:10-14:45 |
Plenary talk:
Ray Macdonald (Institute of Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Petrology, University of Warsaw, Poland):
"The chevkinite group and its extraordinary range of compositions and occurrences" |
14:45-16:05 |
Oral presentations
14:45 |
Li, X.-C. |
Chemical and isotopic changes during metasomatic alteration of apatite |
15:05 |
Belkin, H.E. |
Peralkaline and metaluminous granitoids and volcanics of the Neoproterozoic rift‐related Robertson River igneous suite, Northern Virginia, USA: Nb‐Ta oxides and their alteration |
15:25 |
Szymanowski, D. |
Accuracy of Ti‐in‐zircon thermometry improved by isotope dilution determinations of Ti in zircon reference materials |
15:45 |
Catlos, E.J. |
Insight from high common Pb monazite: Llallagua Tin Ore Deposit (Bolivia) and Amelia Pegmatite (Virginia, USA) |
16:05-ca.17:30 |
Poster viewing and drinks |
Heuriger, 1190 Wien-Nussdorf |
18:15 till late |
Conference dinner |
September 15, 2017 |
Universitätszentrum, Althanstr. 14 1090, Wien |
09:30-10:05 |
Plenary talk:
Urs Schaltegger (Earth and Environmental Sciences, Department of Earth Sciences, University of Geneva, Switzerland):
"High-precision U-Pb dating of actinide-rich accessory minerals - Using high-precision petrochronology to unravel the timing of complex magmatic and metamorphic processes" |
10:05-10:45 |
Oral presentations
10:05 |
Klötzli, U. |
The geochronological pitfalls of the petrochronology of accessory minerals ‐ instrumental elemental fractionation effects and age accuracies |
10:25 |
Machevariani, M. |
High‐Hf zircon from the Snezhnoe deposit (Altai‐Sayan province) |
10:45-11:10 |
Coffee break |
11:10-12:10 |
Oral presentations
11:10 |
Skublov, S. |
High‐Y zircon from the Yastrebetskoye Zr‐REE deposit (the Ukranian Shield) |
11:30 |
Váczi, T. |
Electron‐beam annealing in radiation‐damaged zircon |
11:50 |
Nasdala, L. |
A promising tool for the investigation of alpha‐particle damage in accessory minerals: 4He irradiation using a fabricated, Si‐based energy filter |
12:10-14:15 |
Lunch break |
14:15-15:55 |
Oral presentations
14:15 |
Kumar, S. |
Zircon U‐Pb‐Lu‐Hf isotopes of granitoids and enclaves from Ladakh Batholith, Trans‐Himalaya, India: Implication on timing and source of magmatism and India‐Asia collision |
14:35 |
Bačík, P. |
Chemical composition and evolution of tourmalinesupergroup minerals from the hydrothermal veins in Gemeric Superunit, Western Carpathians, Slovakia |
14:55 |
Uher, P. |
Evolution of borate minerals from contact metamorphic to hydrothermal stages: Ludwigite‐group minerals and szaibélyite from the Vysoká – Zlatno skarn, Slovakia |
15:15 |
Lenz, C. |
On the way to a quantification of radiation damage in accessory minerals using REE3+ photoluminescence spectroscopy |
15:35 |
Pystina, Yu.I. |
Zircons of polymetamorphic complexes of the Urals |
15:55-16:05 |
Closure |
Poster presentations: |
Bayanova, T.B. |
Significance of baddeleyite for plume processes from AR to PZ time in Arctic region (N‐E part of the Fennoscandinavian Shield) |
Bustamante, D. |
Geochemistry of the Chaltén Plutonic Complex (Patagonia) mafic rocks and the influence of accessory minerals on trace element signature of arc magmas |
Carbonin, S. |
Chevkinite‐(Ce) from São Miguel, Azores Islands: monitoring the crystal structure from primary crystallization to latestage hydrothermal events |
Chanmuang, C. |
Dry annealing of radiation damaged zircon: Which “degree of reconstitution” is probed by which analytical technique? |
Cibula, P. |
Special case of cation ordering in octahedral sites in natural epidote‐supergroup minerals |
Denisova, Yu.V. |
ZrO2/HfO2 in zircon from the Kozhim massif (Subpolar Urals) |
Drogobuzhskaya, S.V. |
Geochemical (LA‐ICP‐MS) investigations of baddeleyite from the Palaeoproterozoic mafic and Palaeozoic alkaline intrusions in the Arctic part of the Baltic shield |
Gajdošová, M. |
In situ chemical dating of new accessory minerals from the Evate deposit in Mozambique |
Kis, A. |
U‐Pb geochronology related to different structural states of zircon crystals |
Kusiak, M.A. |
Seismically‐deformed zircon: crystalline Pb nano‐spheres and other enigmas |
Kudryashov, N.M. |
High‐Hf zircon from rare‐metal pegmatites from the Vasin‐Mylk deposit (Kola region, Russia) |
Li, J.-W. |
Hydrothermal titanite from the Chengchao iron skarn deposit: Temporal constraints on iron mineralization, and its potential as a reference material for titanite U–Pb dating |
Losos, Z. |
Tourmaline, an indicator of external Mg‐contamination of granitic pegmatites from host serpentinite; examples from the Moldanubian Zone, Czech Republic |
Maraszewska, M. |
Kiruna‐type apatite‐iron ore in Svalbard: the evidence from main and accessory minerals |
Mounteney, I. |
Provenance defining signatures from detrital heavy minerals and their relationships to their source rocks: using optical mineralogy and bulk‐heavy mineral concentrate geochemistry |
Pérez‐Soba, C. |
Titanite as a tracking accessory mineral of Na‐Li‐Fe‐rich metasomatism (La Pedriza granite massif, Iberian Variscan belt) |
Zozulya, D. |
Genetic relationship between batievaite‐(Y) and hainite‐(Y) from Sakharjok nepheline syenite pegmatite, Keivy alkaline province, NW Russia |