Information for Presentations
Information for Oral Presentations
Contributed and invited talks are supposed to be 15 minutes + 5 minutes for discussion. Lightening talks are planned with 5 +2 minutes for presentations including one or two short questions.
All presentations will be uploaded directly on the system of the lecture hall. As an alternative you can use your own laptops.
Speakers are kindly requested to bring their presentation preferably on an USB stick not later than in the break prior to the beginning of the session. Please make sure your presentation is in a commonly used and widely compatible file format. If you want to use your own laptop we kindly remind you not to forget adapters in case.
Information for Poster Presentations
Posters can be displayed in the poster area directly in front of the lecture hall.
Posters need to be in the standard format A0 portrait (84 cm x 119 cm). Mounting material will be provided. Please, do not use any other materials for mounting than the provided one.
Posters should be mounted from Tuesday 13:08. 16:30 (start of registration) through Thu 15.08. lunch time. The poster session is taking place on Thu 15.08. 16:30-17:30. Please remove your posters after the poster session, latest by Friday lunch time.