Welcome to the 2019 IUCr & ECA High-Pressure Workshop
at Vienna!!

On behalf of the IUCr High Pressure commission and the ECA Special Interest Group SIG-11 it is our great pleasure in to invite you to our joint get-together of international high-pressure crystallographers.


Crystallography under extreme conditions has become a multidisciplinary field dealing with unique states of matter and their changes, and simulating processes in materials at extraordinary conditions. Modern high-pressure science provides among others insights to inaccessible environments such as of planetary interiours, it allows the synthesis of novel materials and access to new material states, and it promotes extraordinary physical properties of solids and materials. The last decade has seen milestones reached in innovative instrumentations and improvements in experimental methodology and software, as well as ab initio techniques.


The purpose of the 2019 High-Pressure Workshop, this year jointly organized by the International Union of Crystallography (IUCr) Commission on High Pressure and the European Crystallographic Association (ECA) Special Interest Group SIG-11 is to bring together researchers, who apply these tools of extreme-condition crystallography to different disciplines of science and to stimulate exciting research directions for the future.


See you in Vienna!


Haozhe Liu, Chair of the IUCr High-Pressure Commission
Yaroslav Filinchuk, Chair of the ECA SIG-11 Special Interest Group
Ronald Miletich, Chair of the Workshop Organisation Committee